Monday, March 30, 2015

Looking at art

Of all the art that you saw on our trip to New York, what are you still thinking about? Why? How does what interests you about this work relate to your own work? What non-art aspect of the trip interested or intrigued you the most?

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Objects have the longest memories of all...

Read the article, "Objects have the longest memories of all," by Teju Cole on Blackboard and comment on it. How do objects and their conditions/situation speak to what has occurred there? Is this an effective way to represent violent conflict? Why/why not?

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Getting started

How do you start a big new project? If there is no prompt to work from, what methods/tricks do you use to get new ideas going? What has worked and what has not worked for you in the past? This question is obviously geared towards your major projects, but you should also be thinking about how you will generate new work on your own after you graduate.